Coyle Family Page

Hi Cousins!!
Well, I'm finally starting to get back int othe swing of things again!
I'm on track with Mom's estate, getting the house fixed up for sale,
making web pages like crazy, and finally making some updates
to our site.
The guestbook is up and running. There are links in the
sidebar to view and sign the book
Honey and Gloria are finished the Maxwell Street Memories!
Read all about it on the Stories Page.
I've also asked a couple of our cousins to make a little writeup about
themselves or their family memories In keeping with family tradition,
none of the writeups have as yet been received. So, it's an open
floor. Somebody send me something - anything!
There has to be at least one Coyle cousin out there who isn't shy.
While going through 80 years of my parents accumulations, I've come
across some interesting stuff. It's funny what people save, and how
they save it for. I decided to start puting some of the family related
items on the page for all to enjoy. The new page will be called
Elsie's Trunk for the time being.
We have a very special visitor on our Pictures Page
The Family Email Address Book Page
has been updated as of mid February. Don't forget to send me
updates if you change your email address
I've picked up a bit of family gossip, but have decided to
cancel the gossip page. My life is too precious! We've got
a present day page I hope it will go a long way towards
helping our far flung junior cousins get to know us and each other.
Hell, who knows, maybe we'll even figure out what makes the
18 tick! - - - Nah!
The present day page now has a letter from Rich telling us about
updates on the happenings in his family, and a link to a Coyle Research page.
Our Links page has some links that I like. It would
be nice if you could send me some of your favorite links to post
there too.BR> , If you have something you'd like posted ,
send it to me and I will make a page for it.

Send me your ideas! Tell me what you like and don't like.
I'll bet that if we put our heads together our collective
genius can generate a page that will have something for everyone.
Family Addresses
Growing Tree
What's Happening
Elsie's Trunk
Message Board
View Guestbook
Sign Guestbook

email Denny