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Saturday, November 3, 2001
Our Lady of Hope School

Combined Reunion for ALL Graduates
Who Are Age 21 or Over

Where . . . Our Lady of Hope School Hall

When . . . 8PM to 12 AM

Come join your fellow alumni and teachers and share in the memories that we helped create many, many years ago. There is no better place to celebrate than the Our Lady of Hope School Hall. This is where our lives were developed and nurtured to help us become the persons we are today. And wouldn't you just love to walk through the same halls and see the same classrooms that some of our children and grandchildren attended

Lets make this reunion a success! It is not possible for us to contact everyone, so we are asking for your help. Even if you are unable to attend, (and we will miss you), please provide us with the names, addresses, phone numbers, and especially the email addresses of anyone you know who attended OLH.

Tickets are $30 per person. This includes Hot and cold Buffett; Beer, Wine, and Soda; D.J.and some surprises!!!! complete Details will be posted here at a later date.

For those who provide us with an email address, we will email you the complete details when everything is completed.

Please use this Email address for any questions you may have, for any additional names and addresses you can provide, or to email your ticket reservation form. A prompt response is promised!

Attendance is limited to 400 people, and we are already receiving positive responses! So, complete the registration as soon as possible to guarantee your reservation. Send your check immediately as time is very short!. However, we would appreciate your sending payment with the registration form if at all possible if you use snail mail to register. Please make checks payable to: OLH ALUMNI.

There are two ways you can send in your registration for tickets to the reunion from this page. You can cut and paste the form below into a document, print it out and snail mail it to one of the addresses below, or you can email the form to us. To email the form, cut or copy the form below, then click on out email address and paste the form into the email's body. Then you can simply type in your responses and click "Send." Emailing the form will reserve your tickets, but please remember to send your check by snail mail right away!

Snail Mail Addresses
Mrs Geri Bitzel OR, Kathy Parsley (Korzie)
5025 Hilltop Acre Rd9506A Horn Avenue
Perry Hall, MD 21128Perry Hall, MD 21236
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OLH Reunion:  November 3, 2001

__________  Yes, I plan to attend the Nov. 3 reunion.
__________  No, I will not be able to attend.
__________  Number of persons attending.  (Adults Only )

EMAIL  _____________
Check Enclosed:   ______ yes     _______no


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We are also looking for volunteers to join the Reunion Committee. If you would like to join the committee, please contact us through our combined email address.